
This is where you can find all the YouTube videos and podcasts where we talk about Tales of the Old West

Leading up to and through the Kickstarter campaign we will adding videos to this site which explain aspects of the philosophy benhind the game, and explore some of the mechanics in more detail.

In this video Dave and Matthew make their first public announcemnt of the game, talking about what we expect players to do, some of the influences behind it and just the tiniest bit about the mechanics.

In the episode of our podcast when we annouced our plans for Tales of the Old Wesr, we talked about some of the stories from the Western canon, from TV, film and novels that have inspired and influenced the game. 

In this, the first of our "Letters from the Old West," we talk about two things we suggest you think hard about during character creation, which help make your character your very own, and help the GM and the other players round your table build story around the PCs: 

What do you have Faith in?

and, What is your Big Dream?

We also explain how Faith points pay for re-rolls and help mitigate Trouble.

To celebrate the pre-launch page of our Kickstarter campaign going live, we release our second "Letter from the Old West." Dave and Matthew take a moment to answer one of the most delicate question some of our friends are asking: why are we even doing this?

We talk about our desire to create a game without the supernatual elements, where the struggle is with the land itself and the evil in the hearts of other folk. We discuss theproblematic history of the Western Expansion, the subsequent mythologising of the West, and how we have tried to address them,

In this video we introduce some of the mechanics we have added to the Year Zero Engine to emulate the tropes of the Western genre.

If you want just ride a horse you can, but if you want to find the horse, and train it to be the best, you can do that too.

We talk about the basics of our expanded social conflicted system, and Gunfights and Gambling too.

In this episode we explain how players can influsence the development of the town theor characters live in, and how the twon supports the players, and offers story hooks...

In this video we talk about the different ways you can create a character and the the concept of the Compadres

WE talk about the variety of tolls built into the game to help the GM and the players round teh table create an engaging campaign/ 

We have been playtesting Tales of the Old West for years. One of our playtest campaigns now has over 35 episodes on our Actual Play podcast feed. This is the first, a "Session Zero." Keep in mind that the rules were in a contaant state of change as we worked though the playtest, so not everything you hear in these podcasts will be the same in the published game. You can even hear us discussing some of the changes as we play.

TotOW on other channels

Dave and Matthew interviewed

We were excited to be asked onto a livestream by the excellent peeps at Band of Badgers for for an interview 

A streamed Actual Play adventure

About two and half hours long, on the trail of a swindler

UK Games Expo

Frank (Raldanash) interviews Matthew about the early days of ToTOW development

A GMs perpsective

Frank (Raldanash) interviews Bruce about running Tales of the Old West

On TableTop

On Tabletop  interview Dave at UKGE

The Critical Twists play...

with Dave as GM

...and interview us!

One of the most fun interviews ever they said

Dragonborn Industries Actual Play

Spoilers for the QuickDraw!